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2020 Germanfest Logo Contest
Date  January 25-March 14, 2020 @ 9AM - 4PM

Students grades 9 – 12 from schools within a fifty-mile radius of Quincy, Illinois are eligible. Works will be judged by Quincy Sister City Commissioners and other individuals involved in Germanfest.

Students or a small group of students may enter mulitiple logos at no cost. All artwork must be original. No copies of copyrighted imagery are allowed. All logos should be suitable for reproduction on t-shirts, glasses, key chains, etc. Each logo must me submitted individually with contact information (name(s), address, phone, email, school, and grade) included in an envelope taped to the back of that specific logo artwork. Only entries that follow entry guidelines will be considered.

Germanfest 2020 celebrates the over 30-year-long relationship between Quincy, Illinois and Herford, Germany. The family friendly festival will take place in Quincy’s South Park on Friday, 5 June 5 pm – 11:30 pm, and Saturday, 6 June 3 pm – 11:30 pm. Food, drink, live German bands, and German dancers will take place on both days with Kinderplatz (children’s activities) on Saturday from 3 – 7 pm.

Logo entry drop-off at Quincy Art Center, 1515 Jersey, 217-223-5900 by Saturday, 14 March, 4 pm.

The winner(s) of this contest will be notified by 31 March. The winner(s) will receive a $100 total cash prize and a t-shirt with their winning logo. The winning entry will become the property of the Quincy Sister City Commission. All other entries can be picked up from the Art Center during regular business hours (Monday-Saturday, 9 AM – 4 PM)


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