The Art Center
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Pour Your heART into ART!
Date  May 1-June 30, 2021 @ 8AM - 5PM

Over the past year we have poured our hearts into art. The pandemic challenged us to find creative new ways of providing access to art in our community and because of support from people just like you, we were able to continue to offer quality, art experiences. 

You made these activities happen. More importantly, we believe you changed lives. We know that art has power...the power to help us solve problems, cope with stress and provide comfort in times of trouble. That is why we believe so strongly that everyone should have the opportunity to experience and make art.

This spring, we invite you to join us. Will you Pour Your Heart into Art? Please consider a gift to the Art Center so we can continue to make the community a better place through access to the visual arts. When you Pour Your Heart into Art, you are bringing the joy of art into our community. Thank you.