The Art Center

Onsite Exhibit Proposal

The Quincy Art Center Exhibition Proposal

for the Katherine Gardner Stevenson Gallery or Elizabeth M. Sinnock Gallery

The Quincy Art Center (QAC) was founded in 1923 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The Art Center is situated in the center of a historic neighborhood, sharing a park-like setting with some of the Quincy, Illinois’s most memorable residential architecture.

The Art Center strives to provide quality and professional exhibits in an environment that supports learning, engaging and connecting. We are dedicated to providing our audiences with a broad and diverse selection of artwork created primarily by Midwestern artists, although work by national and international artists is shown from time to time. As such, local, national and international artists, curators and educators are encouraged to submit proposals for exhibitions. In addition, we are committed to presenting artists and content that speak from and of the experiences of people who are typically underrepresented. Exhibits are generally 5 to 9 weeks in duration and are juried, by invitation, or selected from submitted proposals.

Katherine Gardner Stevenson Gallery and Elizabeth M. Sinnock Gallery
The Katherine Gardner Stevenson Gallery and the Elizabeth M. Sinnock Gallery host four, 5 to 9-week exhibits of two dimensional and three dimensional works. Exhibits for both solo and groups of artists are either juried, by invitation, or selected from submitted proposals. When planning an exhibit of work by two or more artists, the Art Center matches work it believes will create an interesting, thought provoking exhibition. Preference is given to regionally or nationally awarded artists that have extensive exhibition records. Booking for one of these galleries is usually done two years in advance.

The Katherine Gardner Stevenson Gallery is 1408 square feet with 202 feet of running wall with partitions and a cathedral ceiling. The Elizabeth M. Sinnock Gallery is 960 square feet and has 150 feet of running wall with partitions. Both spaces may have light weight works hanging from the ceiling. Pedestals of varying sizes are available for use.

Jack W. Boge Memorial Library and Conference Room
The Jack W. Boge Memorial Library and Conference Room features four, 5-9-week exhibits of local and regional artists, The Art Center Permanent Collection, and private/public collections. This space primarily displays 2-D pieces. A glass case may display small, three dimensional works. This room has 39 feet of running wall space.

Quincy Medical Group (QMG)
The Quincy Medical Group (QMG) Exhibit Space is a satellite exhibit space located on the second floor of the Quincy Medical Group’s Hampshire Street building. This space features 2-month exhibits of local and regional artists. Both two dimensional and three dimensional works can be accommodated. The space has exactly 14 permanent hangers for two dimensional work that must be utilized with each exhibit. The QMG exhibit space has 60 feet of running wall space. Pedestals of varying sizes are available for use.

Quincy Regional Airport
The Quincy Regional Airport is a satellite exhibit space located in the lobby of the Quincy Regional Airport. This space features 6-month exhibits of two dimensional artwork that is reflective of Quincy points of interest, tourism, or history. The airport has multiple display areas within the lobby. The Art Center usually displays 14 artworks in each exhibit.

Exhibition proposals are sent to the Executive Director & Curator for initial review. That review will screen proposals based on the following criteria:

  • The work represents an exploration of a traditional and/or experimental concept of art
  • The work expresses one or more thematic ideas
  • The work encourages interdisciplinary interactions
  • The work is a group show developed around a common aesthetic

Proposals meeting those criteria are then presented to the Exhibitions Committee. This Committee is comprised of Board Members, Community Arts Professionals, and the Executive Director of The Art Center. The committee will evaluate each proposal on The Art Center’s physical and financial ability to exhibit the work, the artistic merits of the work, and the credentials and professionalism of the submitting artist.

The Art Center accepts proposals year round, and they are reviewed twice each year. Proposals received January 1 through May 31 are reviewed in early summer. Proposals received June 1 through December 31 are reviewed mid-winter. Proposals may be kept for upwards of 3 years by the Exhibitions Committee for future consideration.

  • Once a proposal for exhibition has been accepted, The Art Center will notify the submitting artist, an exhibition time will be scheduled and a loan agreement will be executed.
  • The Art Center will be responsible for installing the work. The Art Center reserves the right to put together an exhibit that will show the artist’s work in the best possible way. The Art Center will have sole discretion in selecting the works to install, as well as the gallery layout of all work within a show. Site specific installation must be installed by the artist.
  • The Art Center will facilitate sales of work shown in the gallery and will retain a 30% commission of sales.
  • All works are insured by The Art Center while in the care of the Art Center after a list of artwork with values has been provided by the artist/owner.
  • For all juried, invitational, and exhibits accepted through artist proposal, The Art Center will promote the show and will host a reception for the artists and community. The exhibit will be announced in a quarterly mailer, through e-mail and social media notifications, press releases and on The Art Center Website.
  • For invitational and exhibits accepted through artist proposal, The Art Center will send quarterly mailers to an artist’s own mailing list, of no more than 60 addresses, if the names and addresses are provided before the bulk mail delivery goes out; otherwise the artist is responsible for the postage. If given advance notice, additional quarterly mailers can be printed at the artist’s expense.
  • For invitational and exhibits accepted through artist proposal, The Art Center will provide either the pick-up or return of artwork by regional artists, but will not provide both services. If the artist chooses to drop off and pick up artwork, then gas receipts associated with such travel costs will be reimbursed. Delivery and pick-up for work presented for juried competitions is the responsibility of the artist.
  • If shipping, the artist is responsible for delivery. Return shipping of artwork is provided by the Art Center. Shipping costs will be set at a maximum according to the loan agreement. These terms are not applicable for juried competitions.

If you are interested in exhibiting at the Quincy Art Center, submit the required Exhibit Proposal Materials for the specific exhibition space that you are considering. Those forms are found below.

For further information about the gallery sizes and contract terms, please contact Jennifer Teter, Executive Director and Curator, at [email protected]

If you are an individual artist submitting this proposal, please include

  • Exhibition Proposal Form
  • An artist statement, not to exceed one page
  • A resume or CV
  • Biography, not to exceed one page
  • Digital images of individual works (detail images may be included).  If you are an individual artist, submit 12-15 images. Curators and organizers submit 12 – 35+ images.
  • Image List must correlate exactly with the digital images.  The list must include (for each work):
    • Title
    • Medium
    • Dimensions
    • Year Completed
    • NFS/Sale price (Art Center retains 30%).  Insurance value must be the same as sale price.
    • Designate each image as actual work to be exhibited OR representative of work to be exhibited.
  • Contact information for three professional or academic references. (e.g. curator, art critic, sponsor, or a member of the arts community).
  • 12-15 digital images of individual works (detail images may be included).
  • Publications are also helpful as supporting information.
  • Videos may also be submitted as well as videos of interactive and/or performance work

If you are a Curator/Organizer submitting a proposal, please include

  • Exhibition Proposal Form
  • Curator/Organizer’s Statement of Concept (1 – 3 pages total).  The statement must begin with a one-paragraph summary of the curatorial intention of the show and should address how each of the artist’s work relates to the central concept. This statement must also address the following:

Explain the intention of the proposed exhibition, taking into consideration the benefit to the public attending the gallery and the arts community. If applicable, please describe any additional programming plans (e.g. print material, panel discussions and lectures, tours , events, educational outreach.) If applicable, please include a detailed expense budget.

  • Resumes and References: Include resumes, biographies, artist statements of the curator(s) and each of the participating artists.  Curators must also submit contact information for three professional or academic references.
  • 12 – 35+ images of individual works (details may be included).

Your proposal materials WILL NOT be returned to you.

Everyone must also include the following information…

  • Artist Name
  • Street Address
  • City, State, Zip
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Proposed Exhibition Title or Brief Description
  • Proposed Exhibition dates: (see for current and upcoming exhibits)
    • First choice month and year
    • Second choice month and year
    • Third choice month and year

Mail To

Email Proposal Form and Additional Required Application Materials in pdf format to Jennifer Teter, [email protected]


Quincy Art Center
ATTN: Exhibitions
1515 Jersey St.
Quincy, IL 62301